Social responsibility as well as the protection and preservation of the environment are important factors in our corporate activities.

Development and individuality
Pelikan is the quality brand that has accompanied people for a lifetime.
Whether in kindergarten or in everyday school life, in the office, in leisure time or - with the noblest form of communication - when writing with a high-quality writing instrument: Pelikan products are reliable companions in life.
We are able to draw on decades of experience in educational expertise and work closely together with teachers and institutes.
Pelikan’s new developments are consistently oriented towards future generations, and contribute to improving quality of life. Our goal is to provide individuals with capabilities that will enable them to actively and responsibly shape the future.
We offer teachers, parents and pupils help and inspiration. A teachers’ Portal provides teaching ideas and materials and answers questions. Parents can also find interesting tips and suggestions for optimal development of their children on the Pelikan parents’ portal.
What would Pelikan be without its staff? Each employee is part of the greater whole.
The further education and development of staff is important to us, as highly-qualified staff is the most important resource of any company.
We therefore place great value on the topic of training: we provide annual training for young people in different professions in Hanover and Vöhrum.

Procurement & Production
Pelikan takes responsibility in the area of production.
Our environmental awareness starts with the procurement of raw materials. As well as fulfilling international and European standards, these must not only comply with the required limit values but always surpass them where possible.
This is just as fundamental for us as the targeted selection of suppliers and cooperation partners, and is guaranteed through intensive reception and quality controls as well as the adherence to our Ethics Code.
Our Pelikan production plants are certified to ISO 14001 worldwide, and our production processes are regularly optimized and inspected with regard to ecological aspects.
Logistics & Transport
Special standards apply when selecting our logistics partners.
They must fulfill our high requirements in respect of the environment, safety and responsibility.
The grouping of commodity flows and CO2-reduced itineraries are fundamental aspects here.
Our modern logistics center in Falkensee directly supplies national and international customers.
Procurement & Production
Pelikan takes responsibility in the area of production.
Our environmental awareness starts with the procurement of raw materials. As well as fulfilling international and European standards, these must not only comply with the required limit values but always surpass them where possible.
This is just as fundamental for us as the targeted selection of suppliers and cooperation partners, and is guaranteed through intensive reception and quality controls as well as the adherence to our Ethics Code.
Our Pelikan production plants are certified to ISO 14001 worldwide, and our production processes are regularly optimized and inspected with regard to ecological aspects.
Logistics & Transport
Special standards apply when selecting our logistics partners.
They must fulfill our high requirements in respect of the environment, safety and responsibility.
The grouping of commodity flows and CO2-reduced itineraries are fundamental aspects here.
Our modern logistics center in Falkensee directly supplies national and international customers.
Corporate policy
Our guiding principles on vision, mission and values are also the foundation for our corporate quality and environmental philosophy. From them, we have derived the following principles (excerpt):
- We are guided by the needs of our customers, partners and people interested in our products and services.
- We strive at all times to constantly improve all processes.
- Constantly questioning existing solutions is the key to innovation.
- We live up to our responsibility.
In this context, quality and environmental protection mean the following to us:
- Meeting the needs of our customers, partners and people interested in our products and services.
- Paying the necessary attention to everything we do.
- The qualification and further training of all employees.
- The constant assessment of environmental impact.
- Meeting legal requirements.
We are also involved in improving working conditions in our global supply chain through the Pelikan Group’s membership and active participation in the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).
Every employee is familiar with this corporate philosophy.
Our pillars & strategy

Nuestro compromiso con el medio ambiente nos lleva a definir objetivos ambientales año con año; así como refrendar nuestra certificación de Industria Limpia. La certificación en Industria Limpia es el reconocimiento que se otorga a aquellas organizaciones que impactan de manera controlada y no significativa agua, aire o suelo, cumplen con la legislación ambiental aplicable, y van más allá en el cuidado del ambiente.
Resultados 2023:
- La huella de de carbono de Pelikan México S.A. de C.V. es de 7,889.51 toneladas CO2e anual
- Redujimos el consumo del agua un 22% en el 2023 vs 2022
- Redujimos el consumo de energía eléctrica un 18% en el 2023 vs 2022
- Redujimos la generación de recursos peligrosos en un 23% en el 2023 vs 2022

Desarrollamos nuestros productos con un claro enfoque en la conservación de los recursos apoyando el modelo de economía circular en donde los residuos se convierten en recursos mediante su reciclaje y reutilización; por tal motivo, consideramos esto desde la concepción del producto con el objetivo de lograr la mejor seguridad y durabilidad posibles, así como el menor impacto ambiental posible.
- Nuestros productos escolares cuentan con certificaciones internacionales tales como ASTM y EN71, que nos avalan de la seguridad y no toxicidad de producto.
- Eliminación de PVC en todas nuestras gomas.
- Reutilización de merma de plástico en las máquinas de inyección de nuestros marcadores.
- Productos de papel provenientes de fuentes responsable, certificados FSC.
- Empaques de cartón 100% reciclados, certificados FSC.

Pelikan Educación ofrece un Programa Escolar destinado a construir compartir material en pro del desarrollo educativo.
El programa está sustentado por educadores expertos, quienes impulsan estrategias de enseñanza para obtener el máximo potencial creativo de los niños a través del juego y entretenimiento.
Te invitamos a unirte a nuestra gran familia de colaboradores para juntos seguir creando sueños y metas.

La iniciativa para la Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa (BSCI – Business Social Compliance Initiative) es un sistema de gestión social que permite que una empresa analice, controle y reduzca los impactos sociales de sus actividades.
Pelikan México cuenta con la certificación BSCI y adquiere el compromiso de mejorar las condiciones laborales, permanecer en contacto con los grupos de interés, aceptando el código de conducta de la BSCI:
- Sitema de gestión social y efecto cascada
- Participación de los trabajadores y su protección
- Derecho de la libertad de asociación y de negociación
- No discriminación
- Remuneración justa
- Jornada laboral digna
- Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo
- No al trabajo infantil
- Protección espacial para jóvenes trabajadores
- No al trabajo precario
- No al trabajo forzoso
- Protección del medio ambiente
- Comportamiento empresarial ético